Saturday, October 2, 2010

What's This I Hear About Fiber and More Bowel Movements?

Foods with fiber are scientifically proven to help curb cravings and keep you fuller longer. If you are trying to have more bowel movements due to constipation or disease conditions, foods with fiber are able to help you go more frequently and can help you to be able to establish a regular schedule for yourself again. Here are a few examples of foods with fiber that can help regulate your bowel movements.

Foods With Fiber
o Whole grain breads, buns, pasta and muffins

o Cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber in a serving

o Oat bran

o Barley, popcorn, corn or brown rice

o Dried apricots, prunes and raisins

o Blackberries, raspberries and strawberries

o Oranges, apple, avocado, mango

o Broccoli, spinach and peas

o Kidney beans, lima beans and chick peas

o Leafy green vegetables

Foods with fiber do not have to taste bad, as you can always add spices to them in order to fit them into your diet. If you normally have a sandwich for lunch, substitute a mixed green salad with a few raisins and you will have your daily fiber intake for the day. It is suggested that a minimum of 21 grams of fiber a day for women and men should have 30 grams at a minimum daily. This is essential to digestive tract health and for regular bowel movements to occur. If you are having problems with too many bowel movements, the right amount of fiber in your diet can reverse this problem. If you are not having enough bowel movements on the other hand, foods with fiber can help this to occur regularly for you.

As with all dietary changes, it is best to talk with your doctor if you have a medical condition prior to starting or adding new things to your diet. Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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How to Do a Natural Body Detox

Doing a natural detox is not the hardest thing in the world. With a bit of motivation and the right advice, you will see that just about anybody can do a natural detox. Most persons believe that this is limited only to diet but, a natural detoxification program involves more than that. It includes the air we breathe and the chemicals we expose ourselves to on a regular basis from something as simple as paint to drugs. Therefore, a decision to do a detox ought to be based on a person's full understanding of what it entails.

What does a natural detox entail? How does one do a detox? Here are some tips below:

• Decide what is right for you. There are many different types of detoxifying methods to choose from. Most recommend increased consumption of raw foods and completely avoiding processed foods. It is up to you to choose if you want to slowly replace certain meals with raw foods or if you want to do an immediate switch from cooked foods to raw foods from the beginning. Neither method is right nor wrong in an absolute sense so, choose the option you think you can deal with best.

• Abstain. Remember that you must avoid drugs, caffeine, alcohol and toxic or polluted environments. You must not only eat right; you must also eliminate toxic sources from your body for a natural detox to be effective.

• Explore your options. Once you make a decision concerning the method you will use, it is then time to explore various recipes that can be done with raw foods. You should not feel restricted at all to try things you have never tried before. Instead of just eating an apple, make a fruit salad. Get creative, browse the net and try new things.

• Be committed. Write down your goals, be realistic and work towards them until you have succeeded. If you decide to do a natural detox for 5 or 50 days, just be sure to stick with it and record your progress over time.

Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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My Colonic Story - A Colon Detox Means Sticking a Tube Where the Sun Don't Shine, Part 2

This was my very first colonic, and I was extremely nervous. Do not get me wrong. I was excited about the idea of a colon detox, but the actual procedure made me nervous. Being partially naked around a stranger is not exactly comfortable. When I entered the office, I waited a few minutes until the assistant was ready for me. When ready, she walked me to an isolated room, gave me a gown and gave me some privacy. I fumbled with my clothing and hastily put on the gown. The gown was very similar to the kind nurses give you while completing a medical exam. In other words, my rear was exposed. Even more appropriate for a colon detox, I thought.

My assistant knocked on the door momentarily. She came in and asked me to lie down. She then proceeded to make small talk in an effort to tone down the awkwardness of getting a colon cleanser. The most difficult part was next. I had to turn over on my side so the assistant could insert a tube up my wazoo. She was very careful not to show me the tube she inserted. This left questions in my head, no doubt.

I believe part of the reason was because there was a device on the end of the tube that would enter my anus. I had read about it earlier online and some people found it intimidating. I heard the assistant unwrap something, and this comforted me because I knew the device attached to the tube was either brand new or sterilized. To my relief, the actual insertion was very gentle. (My roommate had colon cleaning 2 years prior and she refused to go back because the tube device made her butt sore afterwards.)

I was then able to lie on my back again. As I did so, I noticed a water tank above me. It was connected to the tube currently in my butt. It was a very large, clear water tank, and I pondered as to how long the water had been in there. As far as colon cleansing was concerned the clinic was booked, but I still wondered how long the water had been stagnant for. The assistant smiled at me and turned on the water. The water was warm and I saw my belly begin to rise. This is a fast pregnancy, I chuckled to myself.

My Colonic Story Part 1

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