Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Colonic Story - A Colon Detox Means Sticking a Tube Where the Sun Don't Shine, Part 2

This was my very first colonic, and I was extremely nervous. Do not get me wrong. I was excited about the idea of a colon detox, but the actual procedure made me nervous. Being partially naked around a stranger is not exactly comfortable. When I entered the office, I waited a few minutes until the assistant was ready for me. When ready, she walked me to an isolated room, gave me a gown and gave me some privacy. I fumbled with my clothing and hastily put on the gown. The gown was very similar to the kind nurses give you while completing a medical exam. In other words, my rear was exposed. Even more appropriate for a colon detox, I thought.

My assistant knocked on the door momentarily. She came in and asked me to lie down. She then proceeded to make small talk in an effort to tone down the awkwardness of getting a colon cleanser. The most difficult part was next. I had to turn over on my side so the assistant could insert a tube up my wazoo. She was very careful not to show me the tube she inserted. This left questions in my head, no doubt.

I believe part of the reason was because there was a device on the end of the tube that would enter my anus. I had read about it earlier online and some people found it intimidating. I heard the assistant unwrap something, and this comforted me because I knew the device attached to the tube was either brand new or sterilized. To my relief, the actual insertion was very gentle. (My roommate had colon cleaning 2 years prior and she refused to go back because the tube device made her butt sore afterwards.)

I was then able to lie on my back again. As I did so, I noticed a water tank above me. It was connected to the tube currently in my butt. It was a very large, clear water tank, and I pondered as to how long the water had been in there. As far as colon cleansing was concerned the clinic was booked, but I still wondered how long the water had been stagnant for. The assistant smiled at me and turned on the water. The water was warm and I saw my belly begin to rise. This is a fast pregnancy, I chuckled to myself.

My Colonic Story Part 1

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