Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Do a Natural Body Detox

Doing a natural detox is not the hardest thing in the world. With a bit of motivation and the right advice, you will see that just about anybody can do a natural detox. Most persons believe that this is limited only to diet but, a natural detoxification program involves more than that. It includes the air we breathe and the chemicals we expose ourselves to on a regular basis from something as simple as paint to drugs. Therefore, a decision to do a detox ought to be based on a person's full understanding of what it entails.

What does a natural detox entail? How does one do a detox? Here are some tips below:

• Decide what is right for you. There are many different types of detoxifying methods to choose from. Most recommend increased consumption of raw foods and completely avoiding processed foods. It is up to you to choose if you want to slowly replace certain meals with raw foods or if you want to do an immediate switch from cooked foods to raw foods from the beginning. Neither method is right nor wrong in an absolute sense so, choose the option you think you can deal with best.

• Abstain. Remember that you must avoid drugs, caffeine, alcohol and toxic or polluted environments. You must not only eat right; you must also eliminate toxic sources from your body for a natural detox to be effective.

• Explore your options. Once you make a decision concerning the method you will use, it is then time to explore various recipes that can be done with raw foods. You should not feel restricted at all to try things you have never tried before. Instead of just eating an apple, make a fruit salad. Get creative, browse the net and try new things.

• Be committed. Write down your goals, be realistic and work towards them until you have succeeded. If you decide to do a natural detox for 5 or 50 days, just be sure to stick with it and record your progress over time.

Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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